Friday, May 15, 2015

Award Winning Company by Inside Tucson Business for Community Engagement ! 


was recently awarded Inside Tucson  Business's  Award for Community Engagement .
They quoted  that Personallydelivered LLC is " the epitome of small business "!  See link below for complete article !

Our adult diapers, wipes, chux, liners have been shipped to 49 states "personally delivered "to the door of our clients generally the next day,  by UPS .
Many folks don't have a way to get to stores to buy what they need as well as get them home, as they are bulky.

Many who call us to complain about poor quality options they are given at the big box stores. They elderly and young as well are impressed by not only how well our high quality  products like Tena, Prevail, and Mckesson perform but also how EASY our team helps them understand what kind of diaper, pullup or brief  they need... as  it is to call to order. There is always a real person to answer the phone ! Imagine that !!

Generally the "BIG BOX " stores have no one trained to help anyone select the correct product.Generally, the clerks at these stores avoid " that" aisle at any cost !

  Our donations to diaper banks in Arizona have made a huge difference in the lives of many families who cannot afford to buy the high quality diapers  that we provide and many cannot afford to buy them at all. The Az Department of developmental Disabilities  partnered with Personally Delivered to establish  a free diaper bank where support coordinators can get diapers, chux, pullups, gloves and pant liners  with a days notice on an emergency basis with no red tape !
We are proud to be a part of our local community and our proud the we are a family owned US company.

Together " We Can Change the World"!